Welcome to the July 28, 2011 edition of Carnival of Storytelling.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a link at BlogCarnival.com. And thanks to all the bloggers who posted wonderful articles, which I have hand-picked for the following list. Please browse their blog posts, and share your own favorite posts from across the Internet for the next edition.
Jo Bryant presents Francesco Petrarca and the Petrarchan Sonnet posted at Chronicles of Illusions.
Art and Craft
Bryan Keithley presents When to Ignore What School Taught Us posted at Ascentive, saying, “I find that when my writing is not jumping off the proverbial page, it’s fun to think back to all those draconian rules about good writing—and then blow them up and create my own. Do you know when to forget what English class has taught you?”
Writing Life
Charlotte Abel presents The Journey From Writer to Author posted at Charlotte Abel’s blog: ‘This is a major milestone for me and I’m excited to share the news. I’ve been a writer for several decades and a “real” writer for a little over three years, but now I’m officially an author. BIG difference.’
Publishing and Marketing
Evelyn Lafont posted Indie Authors: Love What You Do and How You Do It at Duolit – A disturbing trend among some self-published, indie authors: many of them seem to be unhappy about their decision to self-publish. Self-publishing is not going to fit everyone.
Katie Gilbert presents 15 Insightful Blogs for Book Club Leaders posted at Best Online Colleges.com, saying, “Leading a book club can be hard work but very rewarding at the same time.”
AND That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Storytelling using our carnival submission form.
If you have trouble with the Carnival of Storytelling submission form, please contact me at www.JTimothyKing.com, select the “Carnival of Storytelling” category, and include a message with the link to the post and any remarks you’d like to include with the submission.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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